February 18, 2011



I love newborn babies. They smell so sweet, are so wrinkly and so fresh from Heaven. I had the pleasure of photographing this little girl.
Look at all of her hair!
What a doll!

Can you see why I am enjoying this whole photography thing so much?

xoxo Emily xoxo

February 05, 2011

Granny and Apples...

Did I trick you? I bet y'all think I said granny apples. Well, I did not! I said Granny AND apples.
In these parts visits from grannies are rare. See they both live in England, so when we are blessed by their company, it is always a good time.

My mother-in-law flew over for a few weeks to see us a few months ago. It was wonderful spending time and reconnecting. My husband was traveling most of the time she was here. For some of you you might be thinking...how did she do it??? How did she cope all by herself with her MIL??? Well, I won the mil lottery and we are great friends, so it was a blast. Plus she helped me get all of my 2 bushels of apples from the mountains... canned.

Neither one of us had ever done it, but in the end. We made a dozen quarts of applesauce and 25 jars of apple butter.

This is apple butter for those of you who are like...what in the world is apple butter?

It is simply:

a little bit of sugar

and you let it cook down for 6 hours in a crock pot.

When you taste it, you don't know how you lived without it every day for all of your life ;-)

You spread it on toast, biscuits, whatever.

I crack open jars of applesauce all the time and think about my mil now. Maybe I should make my kids call her granny apple from now on.


xoxo Emily xoxo

February 02, 2011


I know, I know...it's been a LONG time. I am going to try and make my way back to the blogging world. I've missed it and missed you all too. Let's see, I will be doing lots and lots of updates and bringing you up to speed but here is a quick recap. I'm loving photography!! You can see more of my work by clicking on the button below.

We had a wonderful Christmas and a very sad one.

My nephew Rowan passed away after fighting for 6 months with severe heart problems to stay here on earth with us. Unfortunately, his little body couldn't fight anymore and his heart gave out right before Christmas. Our family received a package in the mail a few weeks after Christmas with handmade presents for every member of our family from Rowans mother Helen.

In her quiet time sitting by his bedside in the hospital before his death, she was thinking about others. Not about herself, not about how hard her situation was for her, for her family, but about other people. She hand knit everyone in the family slippers. Red for the girls, green for the boys.

It blows my mind that she could be so thoughtful and so angelic whilst going through such an ordeal. She is an inspiration to me. An example of humongous proportions.
Helen, if you are reading this, I honor you for the human being you are and the mother you are.
I love you and I think everyone that reads this blog should know about you. I love you! Not only have you warmed mine and my children's feet this winter, but all of our hearts!

I'm excited to be back sharing my ramblings and thoughts with all of you. Hopefully there are still a few of you hanging around ;-)

xoxo Emily xoxo